605 by Ian Piper


We as a group are proud to have Ian Piper as one of our members....Ian is the 605 Squadron Assoc Life Vice President & Sqn historian.
605 ( County of Warwick) Squadron had a long and distinguished career, and were at Bradwell Bay Airfield from 1943 till April 44, when they went to Manston in preparation for D Day. Their pilots were involved in the very first actions on that day.
Ian has written two fantastic books on the sqn, and tho now extremely rare to purchase, we have been very fortunate to have access to the last copies of the book called "605", its a sort of photo album looking at the sdns history. It contains over 400 photos.
Ian has kindly donated a large part of the monies raised for the books, to our group, to assist in our raising a museum .

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